For Christ followers, the Bible is a road map, it is a mirror that reveals to us what is inside us, Who God is, and it the resource that tells us the end of the story, and how to be ready for it.  In the Bible there are admonitions, blessings, general promises and specific promises.  In those specific promises one can find words written specifically to and for the believing Christian, the Christ follower.

Romans 8:28

The Romans 8:28 Promise

Romans 8:28 is an oft recited verse that is pulled out when things are hard.  What is important to know and understand is that this verse is written specifically to those who call Jesus Christ LORD.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28.

To those who love God.  Loving God is a prerequisite for this promise.  And being called according to His purpose.  It is God who calls us to His purpose.   The purpose of God calling us is for repentance, salvation, and holiness.  This promise is fully for those who love God and submit to His salvation and work within us.

What a wonderful promise.  No matter the circumstances, we can trust that God is at work, and that in the end good will come of all the things.


What if you are not sure if this promise applies to you?  Not sure if you are a Christian, a Christ follower?  But you want the promise that these hard things, these good things, all the things, will work together for good?

The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth and believe with your heart that Christ was raised from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)  Not one of us is born holy and righteous.  All have sinned, fallen short and offended the holy God.  But He so loved each and every one of us that He sent His Son to live among sinful man, to die for our unworthiness, our sins.  And after He died, He conquered sin and death by rising again.  And that power that raised Christ from the dead is available to save and change anyone who believes.  If you are reading this, know that God is calling you to Himself, He loves you and offers this gift to you.

If you are choosing to call upon the saving grace of Jesus today, please contact a local Bible church and talk with someone there to learn more about the love and grace of God available to you.  If you don’t know where to start or how to find a Bible church, email me and I would be happy to celebrate with you, pray for you and share with you the name and phone numbers of a church near you.

May the peace of Christ be with you.